Tania Bruguera

LA MOSTRA DI TANIA BRUGUERAThe exhibition of tania bruguera, artist and political activist, whose performances and installations examine power structures and explore the ways art can be applied to daily political life, presents a selection of the artist’s most significant actions where the audience at pac will be called to “explore” truth through a series of installations and actions – some of which are daily activated by performers.
In the first room, the space of the artist’s house confined under house arrest has been recreated, where the viewer can immerse themselves in reading hannah arendt’s book “the origins of totalitarianism”.
In room 2, a completely dark environment has been recreated, where the psychological violence of the cuban police is relived through dazzling lights, insistent military footsteps alternated with the loading of firearms. Every day during the exhibition, studio noè has managed and organized the performers present inside the museum, an integral and essential part of this exhibition experience.
Room 3 – an insulated space in which the viewer entering physically experiences the stimulus of tears and crying. it was a true challenge that combined artistic design with engineering technique and science.
The iconic sign of the auschwitz death camp, “arbeit macht frei,” was made in 1:1 scale in iron, to be polished every day by a flexible tool until it completely disappeared.
Thousands of sugar cane stems were imported to reproduce the cuban forced labor camps where political prisoners died. Some completely naked cuban performers engraved the names of the victims in semi-darkness, while the viewer engaged in a difficult and emotionally impactful walk.
Location: Tania Bruguera – PAC Milano
Artistic Direction: Nucleo Studio, Piergiorgio Robino
Production: StudioNoè (installation realization and aerial structures)
Client: Municipality of Trieste